Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Spanish Time!!!!

It’s A New Year!
Is it really 2013???

It almost seems unreal for us to be at 2013. Or maybe it just seems unreal for me? Anywhoooo, I wonder how many people make New Year’s resolution? Well, I checked! According to statisticbrain.com, they have research done by: University of Scranton – Journal of Clinical Psychology, the answer… well 45% of Americans usually make New Year’s Resolution. I am not one of these people. Nope, instead I believe I’m a part of the 38% of Americans who absolutely never make New Year’s Resolution. I have never made a “promise” to myself to make a change at the start of a new year. I think it’s an awesome thing to make a change in your life; I just don’t think you need the start of a new year to do it. I also think it’s a good idea to set goals; just small little things to accomplish throughout your whole life. This year, I am choosing to use more of my Spanish language! So I guess I have to try this whole "new-year's-resolution-thing" hard part is I don't know that many people around here that speak Spanish. I am not fluent in Spanish plus I am self-conscious about speaking because like many people I feel I sound super funny! Spanglish, Tex-mix, or broken call it what you will but I’m kinda sick of not using my Spanish as much as I should even if it’s not the best. So if you’re around me speak to me in Spanish! This should be fun! What will you try?