Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sharing Songs Sunday

Trying something new:

Not My Photo
I figured since I get songs stuck in my head all the time I should do something about it. Now since the songs I tend to get stuck in the crazy head of mine often are songs that my friends haven't heard. Well, to be honest I would rather share the songs so people don't look at me crazy when I'm humming a "weird" song. :)  

I don't want to sound like a "hipster" but the songs that I typically listen to are not that of mainstream (BUT not always, I do listen to mainstream music) Also, Its not all NEW music. Some of the songs will be years old! Like I said its just songs that get stuck in my crazy world. So I hope you enjoy a song or two! I'll try to post a new post with songs on Sundays, hints the title Sharing Songs Sunday!  

For the first post I figured why not start our with an artist with my same first name! This is Jessica Lee Mayfield - Our Hearts Are Wrong. 

Another Song that I've been listening to a ton lately is this song by Thrice -Moving Mountains. 

Here is one more artist for those that just want to hear something that's a bit more upbeat (and newer) This song is by Baiyu -Take A Number. (((This is just one song but this album is uber dope!!)))

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Korean Song!


Since my uncle happens to be in Korea right now for the army. He often updates us on the latest Korean trends! He sent me this video of a song that was blasting every corner of the town. A few weeks after I had been playing this song, it went viral! I now hear it everywhere! For those of you who have yet to see or hear this Korean song here it is! Enjoy Psy from Korea & Dance Along!!! :)